
Connecticut began voting for the first time in early primaries on March 26, 28, and 30


Danbury, CT: Marking a milestone in the state’s electoral history, residents of the counties will be able to start voting in the presidential primaries of the Democratic and Republican parties in advance on Tuesday, March 26, Thursday, March 28, and Saturday, March 30.

Scott Demitri – Assistant Registrar (R) Marge Gallo – Moderator (D) Ann McLellan – Poll worker (D) Mary Ellen Dunbar Poll worker (R)

Although the presidential primaries officially open on Tuesday, April 2, this time, Democratic and Republican voters can go to the polls early on the dates mentioned above.

Local voter registrars have been working to ensure a smooth process and sufficient voter turnout. They believe this will motivate more voters to participate in the primaries, so they are pressing the state of Connecticut to obtain more funding.

That is why Secretary of State Stephanie Thomas has asked lawmakers for $5 million to help the state of Connecticut with early voting and more funding for public awareness, an action that supports Democrats.

One of the dilemmas that will be resolved from the November elections is whether voters decide to allow no-excuse absentee voting. This modality would enable any voter to request a mail-in ballot without a reason. Mail-in voting is more common in Democratic strongholds and has been heavily criticized by Republicans who always allege flaws in this process. The November presidential elections will include two full weeks of early voting.

Early Voting in Danbury, CT.

The El Faro Latino newspaper took a brief tour of the polling place in Danbury’s City Hall on Wednesday afternoon and observed that the process was proceeding smoothly, although voter turnout was low.

The staff present was composed of Scott Demitri, Assistant Registrar (R); Marge Gallo, Moderator (D); Ann McLellan, Poll Worker (D); and Mary Ellen Dunbar, Poll Worker (R).

These officials received the El Faro Latino newspaper team with great kindness. They were attentive to answering our questions within the framework of what is allowed in their role at the Danbury, Connecticut, presidential primary polling place.

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