
Assemblyman George Álvarez Provoked the Ire of Congressman Adriano Espaillat.


New York: The political landscape among New York Democrats is in flux in the 77th District, and this situation keeps everyone on their toes, eagerly awaiting the unfolding consequences.

According to rumors, Congressman Adriano Espaillat is ready to support Emmanuel Martínez against his Assemblyman George Álvarez.


A source close to the congressman is spreading among Dominicans that George Álvarez refused to endorse Leonardo Coello for the 77th Assembly District, even when Congressman Espaillat asked him to do so several times.

Rumors are rife that the congressman is seething with the Assemblyman of the 78th AD, George Álvarez, who not only represents a significant managerial figure but also a substantial electoral risk. The mere thought of running for a position without Espaillat’s blessing, a leader with the track record of leading all his proteges to victory, is enough to put anyone at significant risk of losing the elections.

According to rumors, this condition generates significant concerns within George Álvarez’s political team. All young politicians running for positions in the New York districts seek Espaillat’s support, who has helped various young people reach elected positions in New York.

The recognized success for all endorsed by Adriano Espaillat ensured this leader’s reputation as a preeminent political power broker in the northern part of Central Park and the principal Dominican elected official in the United States.

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