
Exabogado de Donald reconoce durante juicio que robó US$30.000 a la organización Trump


The former lawyer and right-hand man of former President Donald Trump (2017-2021), Michael Cohen, acknowledged this Monday in the criminal trial against the former president that he stole $30,000 from the Trump Organization.

Today was the third day that Trump’s lead lawyer, Todd Blanche, questioned Cohen and then the Prosecutor’s Office also questioned him again.

Cohen admitted to questions from the prosecutor that he felt underpaid for the payment received for those services: “I got angry about the reduction in my bonus, so I felt that it was almost like self-help,” he justified from the stand, in statements that could contribute to undermine their credibility.

Last week, Cohen testified that Trump ordered him to pay $130,000 to silence Stormy Daniels, a porn star who claims to have had an affair with Trump in 2006, during the campaign, and detailed how Trump later reimbursed him for his expenses.

Blanche tried to ‘break’ Cohen on several occasions by questioning his version and trying to cloud the timeline for the payment for the cover-up of the extramarital affair. Reason why she questioned Cohen repeatedly about the dates and calls of the key days in which payments were made to the porn actress.

Trump’s former right-hand man told how, with Trump’s permission, he made a payment to RedFinch, a company that was hired to manipulate an online survey of the most prominent businessmen of the century, in order for Trump to appear in the ‘Top 10’.

The Trump Organization owed the company $50,000, but Cohen only paid $20,000 – he also did so using cash “in a brown paper bag” – and kept the rest, he first explained to the defense.

And later asked for his reasons, in this case by the prosecutor, he justified himself from the stand: “I got angry about the reduction in my bonus, so I felt it was almost like self-help.”


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