With Historic Attendance, Gómez Mazara Presents His Book *Transition Electoral 1966-1996 in New York

New York – After more than 20 years without visiting the Big Apple, Dr. Guido Gómez Mazara, a leader of the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM) and president of the Dominican Telecommunications Institute (INDOTEL), returned in grand style to present the second edition of his book *transition Electoral 1966-1996*, considered a historical reference on the challenging electoral processes of the Dominican Republic that took place between 1966 and 1996.
Despite the freezing night and severe winter storm, the snow was not an obstacle for a crowd of Dominicans to fill one of the rooms at the Dominican Cultural Directorate in the Exterior, located at 2406 Amsterdam Avenue, 4th floor, New York, NY. There, Guido received all the warmth of the diaspora.
- De izquierda a derecha: Dr. Fernando Aquino, Guido Gómez Mazara y Rey Andújar, director de la Casa de la Cultura en NY.
«On a day like today (February 5, 1991), I entered my Alma Mater. I returned, with the same enthusiasm and conviction that education transforms human beings. Thank God. Here, again. And time putting everything in its place,» Gómez Mazara wrote on his X account, referring to The New School, where he studied.
This event was more than just the launch of his book. It was a fraternal reunion with a community that missed Gómez Mazara, where the politician spent the most critical years of his professional formation.
The event had broad coverage from New York media. It took a conversation format between Guido Gómez Mazara, Dr. Fernando Aquino, a professor at Lehman College, and the attending public.
This discussion broke down the different episodes skillfully narrated by the author about the events that marked the most significant political processes in Dominican history over three decades, from 1966 to 1996. The text contains a unique historical value in which Gómez Mazara reflects deeply on the political conflicts of the so-called transition to democracy period in the Dominican Republic, which spans from the assassination of dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo to the year 1996.
During his stay in New York, Gómez Mazara met with Dr. Ramona Hernández, director of the Department of Dominican Studies at City College of New York, the largest Dominican student body in the United States.
On the night of February 7, Guido Gómez Mazara held a meeting with PRM leaders in New York.
In the coming days, Gómez Mazara will continue his tour in Washington, D.C., where he will participate in strategic meetings to promote the modernization of the technology sector and foster the integration of the Dominican diaspora into these ventures.
This is a developing story; please check back here for more updates.